Amplify Demo page

Welcome to Amplify. This is a test site, where you can see your Amp as it will look once you publish it to your own domain.

Select your initial conversation, add this url as a trigger in the conversation panel, and you are ready to go.

Play with triggers

Trigger on button click

Use this button to trigger your amp. Simply turn on the 'when button is clicked' trigger for the relevant conversation and add #AMPLIFY in the input field.


Features to explore

Do even more to get the most out of your amp.

Integrate with Calendly

Use the Calendly plugin to fast and easy allow users to book meetings with you as part of your flow. Just add a link to your Calendly event booking in your Amp.

Open self-detailer

Introduce web users to the magic of edetailers in a self-guided experience. Build self-guided experiences in Amplify with our existing edetails and link them up to your web amp.

Gather insights

Use question nodes and storage values to gain insights about your users and their professions, interests, and define paths based on their prior answers by adding conditions.

Play with triggers

When in view

Trigger a new conversation when this section comes into view. It can trigger as a nudge if the user is already engaging in a conversation or as a new conversation if the prior one has been completed.

Turn on the "when in view" trigger for the relevant conversation and add #inview in the input field.

Contact us

Reach out to the Amplify Team if you want training, feature demos or help in any other way.

Get in Touch